
Live myoma surgery performed successfully at Dubai London Hospital for ENDO Dubai

As part of the unmissable gathering, a fibroid weighing 500 grams has been successfully removed from the uterus of a 37-year-old patient in a live keyhole surgery performed by Doctor Rajesh Devassy, a world pioneer in minimal-access myoma surgery, at Dubai London Hospital.

The live surgery performed at Dubai London Hospital is part of a larger offering at ENDO Dubai that brings together both aspirants and practising professionals of Gynaecological minimal-access surgery

كجزء من التجمع الذي لا يمكن تفويته، تمت إزالة ورم ليفي وزنه 500 جرام بنجاح من رحم مريضة تبلغ من العمر 37 عامًا في جراحة حية قام باجراءها الدكتور راجيش ديفاسي، رائد عالمي في جراحة الورم العضلي البسيط، في دبي مستشفى لندن.

تُعد الجراحة الحية التي يتم إجراؤها في مستشفى دبي لندن جزءًا من العرض الكبير في ENDO Dubai والذي يجمع بين الطامحين والمتخصصين الممارسين في جراحة الحد الأدنى من الوصول لأمراض النساء.

Live myoma surgery performed successfully at Dubai London Hospital for ENDO Dubai

‎‏#DrRajesh #obgyn #obgynresident #obgyndubai #gynecologist #gynecology #obstetricsandgynecology #gynecologistindubai #dubaigynecologist #bestgynaecologist #fertility #fertilitytreatment #fertilitytreatmentdubai #endometriosis #endometriosisawareness #laparoscopy #hysterectomy #pcos #pcod #Dubai #mydubai #jumeirah #dubailife #fit #dubailondonclinic #clinic #expertise #dubaihospital #dlc

Here’s What You Need to Know About Minimal Access Surgery

Learn more about the advances in the landscape of gynaecological surgery from Dr. Rajesh Devassy at the Dubai London Clinic.

Learn More About The First ever Live Surgery to European Congress from Asia.

Right from being appointed as the Overseas Advisory board Member of ESGE, to Performing a Live Surgery from Dubai to the 28th ESGE (European Society for Gynecological Endoscopy) Annual Congress at Thessaloniki; And contributing to the colleagues from Asia and being a member of the Special Interest and Working Groups of Oncology, Robotics, Urogynecology, Adhesions & Adenomyosis; It’s been a proud Moment for Asia and The UAE.

Trans­form­ing min­i­mal-ac­cess gy­nae­co­log­i­cal surgery

Dubai — As a veteran of health­care with a dou­ble in­ter­na­tional ac­cred­i­ta­tion (the Joint Com­mis­sion In­ter­na­tional and the Aus­tralian Coun­cil on Health­care Stan­dards), and a third now as the Ac­cred­ited GESEA Train­ing Cen­tre, the Dubai London Clinic and Spe­cial­ity Hos­pi­tal has a long her­itage of ex­cel­lence in the pro­vi­sion of top-notch qual­ity, ac­ces­si­ble and pa­tient­cen­tered ser­vices within the UAE health­care field. True to its mis­sion, the or­gan­i­sa­tion has been keep­ing track with the global tech­no­log­i­cal ad­vance­ments and in­no­va­tions that have seen sur­gi­cal tech­niques in min­i­mal-ac­cess surgery rapidly grow and be­come more de­sir­able.